
The trip before “the trip.”

Over the last 3 weeks, Anushka and I have bounced around the US, covering over 8 cities and 10,000 miles. With the amount we packed in, it’s been a blur but also has served as a memorable kick-off to our world trip. Final packing and preparations aside, the last few weeks have given us a small taste of adventure paired with a lot of quality time with family and friends. It’s been a good reminder of what makes a full life, and with the support and encouragement we’ve received along the way, we’re lucky for it.  It’s also been good reminder of my debilitating dependency on Google Maps (to people who roadtripped pre-1995, I applaud you), the joy of sleeping in (my internal alarm clock finally made it past 7am), and that everything really is unnecessarily bigger in Texas (food, trucks, Harden’s PPG in the league).

Some highlights below of the last few weeks. ‘Merica is pretty great.